What is a Trigger?

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You've already discovered Integrations that offer you unique opportunities to optimize your content strategy, save time, and generate growth while benefiting from the powerful features of the best applications in the market. But did you know that you can make the most of these integrations by using Triggers? Let us guide you through this new feature that will energize your content strategy!


What is a Trigger?

Triggers automatically activate a specific action at the right time. On Calaméo, you have the choice of three key moments to trigger an action: at the publication opening, at the download, or at the publication's printing. These moments are crucial for capturing your audience's attention and maximizing the impact of your content.

One Trigger per moment, up to three per publication

You can associate a Trigger with one of these three moments. The strategic use of Triggers allows you to personalize the reader's experience and optimize your goals.

Energize your content strategy

The possibilities are endless. Use a Trigger at the opening to immediately capture your audience's attention. Offer exclusive resources at the time of download to gather valuable information. Or encourage the printing of your publication for a physical interaction. These Triggers are the levers that transform your publications into strategic tools for your content strategy.

Put Triggers to work for your integrations

Associate these Triggers with Integrations for even more impressive results. Integrations seamlessly sync with Triggers, allowing you to personalize the reader's experience, optimize data collection, generate qualified leads, and much more.

Log in to your Calaméo account and discover how Triggers can propel your online content to new heights.

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