Community Guidelines

As a vast community of readers and publishers, it is important that your use of our platform is both responsible and respectful. We have therefore set out some user guidelines to ensure that Calaméo remains a pleasant experience for everyone.

We have a zero tolerance policy regarding the inappropriate use of our website. If we consider that your account contains any of the following prohibited content we reserve the right to suspend your account indefinitely.

  • Content published for spamming purposes or for the sole purpose of directing traffic to a website or to aid search engine optimisation
  • Links to false or fraudulent websites, hacking or illegal online streaming
  • Promotion of fraudulent or bad-faith, money earning or loan schemes
  • Links to websites selling counterfeit goods, pharmaceutical products, online gambling, dating, escorts, illegal drugs, illegal downloads etc.
  • Identical or similar content over multiple accounts or multiple versions of identical or similar content on one account
  • Violent or sexually explicit content, including links to websites containing such content
  • Content inciting hatred towards an individual or group
  • Personal or private information concerning another person (identity documents, bank details, contact details etc.)

Our Community Guidelines may be updated from time to time for further clarity as online activity continually evolves.

If you come across content published on our platform that violates these guidelines, you can report this to us at

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