You can use the following keyboard shortcuts in the Calaméo Editor for an easier and more intuitive editing experience:
↑ / ↓ / ← / →: move an element one pixel at a time
Shift + ↑ / ↓ / ← / →: move an element 10 pixels at a time
Ctrl + Z: undo last action
Ctrl + S: save your work
Ctrl + C: copy the element selected to the clipboard
Ctrl + V: paste from the clipboard
Del: delete the element selected
PgUp ⇞: go to the next page in your publication
PgDn ⇟: go to the previous page in your publication
Ctrl + +: zoom in
Ctrl + -: zoom out
When zoomed in on your publication:
Press and hold Space Bar + Click to drag and move around the page.