Optimising your document before converting it on Calaméo

Your document needs to be one single document containing all the pages of your publication. Each document uploaded is converted into a separate publication - it is not possible to assemble separate pages of your publication on Calaméo.

It is also important to remember that this is a digital document. Because it is different from print, avoid document bleed and printer marks.

Page spreads

Calaméo will automatically convert your document into a two-page spread, flipbook-style publication, with a front and back cover. For this reason, if your original document is created in a two-page spread format, it will be displayed as 4 pages once converted on Calaméo. To avoid this, make sure all the pages of your original document are single pages.

It is important that your document does not consist of different page spreads. If your document contains a mix of different page spreads (for example a single page for the front and back covers and double page spread for the rest), blank zones will be added during conversion to compensate.

You can, of course, select the display mode of your publications to choose whether they should be viewed as a flipbook publication, slide, or scroll. You can change this in your publication’s properties. The above guidance applies to flipbook style publications.


Document size restrictions

The following file size and page number restrictions apply for each account:
                BASIC: 100MB and 500 pages per document
                PREMIUM: 100MB and unlimited pages per document
                PLATINUM: 500MB and unlimited pages per document

If your document exceeds the file size limit, you can try the following:

  • Reduce the resolution of any images to 150dpi (pixels) or less, as any greater resolution will be scaled down to 150dpi
  • Print your document to PDF (e.g. Adobe PDF) instead of exporting it to reduce the overall size


Conversion problems

If your publication or certain elements of your publication are not displaying correctly on Calaméo, we suggest the following to optimise conversion:

  • print your document to PDF (using Adobe PDF for example) rather than exporting it
  • avoid transparency and masks offered by layout software
  • use a PDF 1.4 compatibility format (maximum)
  • do not overcharge your pages by incorporating too many vector elements
  • reduce image resolution (128 – 150dpi/pixels for an optimum result)


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