How can I add my own logo to the viewer?

This feature is exclusive to PREMIUM and PLATINUM accounts. If you are a BASIC user and wish to benefit from this feature, please upgrade.

To add your own logo to the viewer, go to the Publications page of your account.


Select a publication and click on the Pencil icon.


Under the Branding tab, click the link to enter a URL beneath Select a logo.


In the field that opens, enter a valid, secure URL (starting with https://) where your logo file is hosted.

Add a link to your logo by entering the URL beneath Select link destination.


If you are already using a logo on another publication, it will automatically appear as an option in the Select a logo drop-down menu.

Link destinations already in use will also automatically appear as an option in the Select a link destination drop-down menu.

PLATINUM users may upload up to 3 logos to the Elements section of their accounts.

Once a logo has been uploaded to your account, it will automatically appear as an option in the Select a logo drop-down menu.


If you are a PLATINUM user, you may add your logo to multiple publications simultaneously.

You can update or delete customization elements at any time.

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