This feature is exclusive to PREMIUM and PLATINUM accounts. If you are a BASIC user and wish to benefit from this feature, please upgrade.
You can easily modify the look of the viewer for your publications by changing its theme.
The viewer theme includes navigation elements, menu buttons and interactive features such as the appearance of external links.
You may choose one of the ready-made viewer themes from the set of options provided by Calaméo. To do so, go to the Publications page of your account.
Select a publication and click on the Pencil icon.
Under the Design tab, click on the drop-down menu beneath Select a theme. Choose the theme you wish to display your publication and click “PUBLISH” to save.
PREMIUM and PLATINUM users may also create their own viewer themes in order to customize the viewer’s appearance for their publications.
For a full list of the possible changes, please consult our documentation.
If you are a PREMIUM user, you will need to host your theme and all the necessary graphic elements on your own server.
To use a theme that you are hosting on your own server, go to the Publications page of your account. Select a publication and click on the Pencil icon.
Under the Design tab, click the link to enter a URL beneath Select a theme.
In the field that opens, enter a valid, secure URL (starting with https://) where your viewer theme file is hosted.
If you are already using a custom theme on another publication, it will automatically appear as an option in the Select a theme drop-down menu.
PLATINUM users may create new custom themes in the Elements section of their accounts.
Once a custom theme has been uploaded to your account, it will automatically appear as an option in the Select a theme drop-down menu.
If you are a PLATINUM user, you may add your custom theme to multiple publications simultaneously.