Come e dove richiedere la cancellazione o la cancellazione delle informazioni personali da una pubblicazione

CALAMÉO provides a service for hosting the publication of digital content by third parties in various forms. In this capacity, CALAMÉO has a purely passive role in the development of editoral content, whose nature does not give CALAMÉO knowledge or control over data stored at the behest of its services’ recipients.

In this sole capacity of host, CALAMÉO is not responsible for the processing of personal data present in publications hosted on its website.

If you wish to obtain the erasure of personal information present in a publication, you should address your request directly to the publisher of the publication in question according to the following procedure outlined by the CNIL:

If the publication’s publisher does not grant the request, you may refer it to the CNIL:

If you wish to obtain the delisting of content returned by search engines as results for your first and last names, you should address your request directly to the search engine via the following procedure:

If the search engine does not grant the request, you may refer it to the CNIL:

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